These are my thoughts and opinions on many topics. My passions are the stock market and helping abandoned and orphaned animals. In this world, it seems most things don't make much sense to me anymore. This is my feeble attempt to share all of the above. The blogs will include items that might make you shake my head as well as give you my take on why they happen. Enjoy.

Friday, June 14, 2019

The Sky is Falling???? Another poor piece of "journalism"

These writers at CNBC, this time a Maggie Fitzgerald reports about some obscure economic indicator that Morgan Stanley uses to forecast the economy to try to undermine the confidence in the US if she has any control over that.

You will note that not once does the author identify the accuracy of the Morgan Stanley indicator nor does she even explain what the value of the indicator at "13" means.  She does try to induce fear in the reader in that the author explains that this indicator now near levels only experienced November 2008 during the financial crisis.  That is, she does not explain whether the Morgan Stanley indicator has good or ANY correlation to future economic growth figures (other than the Nov. 2008 reference), which is what this whole article infers, THAT THE US ECONOMY IS ON THE BRINK OF COLLAPSE!!!!!! Hogwash.  If you look at the chart in the article, the 2017-2018 expansion has lower levels using this indicator than the entire B. Hussein Obama "economic expansion", which was at least 2% lower in growth rate than the Trump economy.  She either has no idea what the indicator means, hasn't done any research or she just trying to find any way to disparage the economic growth in the US......a backhanded way of criticizing the Trump economy.  They grasp at the most menial things, I mean, who has heard of this indicator anyway? Never once in my 40 years of following the economy have I heard of it.

The press hates the President so bad they make up anything or infer anything to undermine his administration and in this case America's prosperity. Honestly, who would want to do that to their conutey's economy. Answer: The Mainstream Media types. "Journalism" just isn't the same as it was in the past.  Now it appears to be only tabloid garbage or worse. Very sad.

A Morgan Stanley economic indicator just suffered a record collapse -

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